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Whispers in the Breeze

July 27, 2024

We were just kids, drawing hearts in the sand, dreaming wildly where the sea meets the land, But seasons changed,…

Counting Scars

July 20, 2024

Chasing dreams beneath the stars, the past is out of sight I’m not sure how we got here, but I…

Checkmate Friends Forever

July 20, 2024

Late chess nights with friends, Wishing these nights would never end. We are getting older, and it’s getting harder To…

Home On the Open Road

July 19, 2024

We were young and wild, racing through the night,On that motorcycle, holding you so tight. Leather jackets, windswept hair, we…

Forever Haunting

July 18, 2024

You left me when I needed you the most, but I’ll still always love your ghost. Drinking, dancing, what were…

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